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En regnmaker på vei mot Norge
Datum: 2009-12-10

Tidligere i høst fortalte vi om en ny utgivelse med den amerikanske rockeren Bob Walkenhorst, »No Abandon«, laget sammen med sangeren/ låtskriveren Jeff Porter.

Nå er det klart at plata med Walkenhorst/ Porter får en norsk utgivelse, via selskapet som også har katalogen til Walkenhorsts gamle band, The Rainmakers, Universal.
Walkenhorst & Porter er ventet til Norge i forbindelse med utgivelsen i vinter.

Her er en reprise for vår melding fra tidligere i høst:

På andre halvdel av 80-tallet var det amerikanske rockbandet The Rainmakers store i Norge. Sangen »Let my People go-go« fra bandets selvtittulerte debutalbum var en av datidas heftigste party-time-opprop.

Senere laget The Rainmakers også en liveplate, delvis spilt inn i Norge.

Det finnes kanskje dem som lurer på hvor det ble av The Rainmakers og bandets karismatiske sanger/ låtskriver, Bob Walkenhorst. egen »Oppsporingsgruppe« har funnet Walkenhorst hjemme i Kansas City, der han nylig har sluppet ny plate.

»No Abandon« er utgitt under navnet Walkenhorst & Porter, der Porter er Jeff Porter.

Her er hva postordrefirmaet Village Records skriver om den nye plata:

Middle-aged musicians often make albums where they long for the glory days of their youth, or, worse yet, pretend they never ended, or even worse, sound like they learned nothing along the way.

Bob Walkenhorst, former singer and songwriter from 1980’s rock group the Rainmakers, has teamed up with fellow Kansas City musician (and musical bud for the past 6 years) Jeff Porter for their first release as a duo (duh), Walkenhorst and Porter. “No Abandon» is a collection of 11 songs about that immortal subject for mortals, mortality.

“We thought of calling the CD “Death«, but thought that might sound too commercial,» says Walkenhorst.

What you get is observations about being more than half-way through the journey, not regretting a second, and being determined to pay attention and squeeze every drop from what you have left. Sideways traditional, familiar but not predictable, these are acoustic guitar/2-part harmony songs that might have been written last week, or a century ago. A few echoes of the Carter Family, and Paul and Art, even the neighborly Ozark Mountain Daredevils, mix with Bob and Jeff’s acoustic-rockers common sense and sensibility.

Standout tracks - “No Abandon«, a cryptic but emotionally clear painting about the joy of the journey, “Sinking Hour» - the ghost of A.P. Carter is smiling down on this one, “Stay Ahead of the Wolves« - dangerously close to falling into “wind beneath my wings» territory (it doesn’t) , a soaring beautiful melody about, what else, Keeping On. And “Hey Bird«, Porter’s jazzy acoustic tune about chasing the song and the girl.

No filler, or light entertainment here. This is the real stuff, about the real stuff.

Läs mer om Walkenhorst, Bob

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